!History! The Deer Hunter Movie Watch

War /

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Release Year -

1978 /

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An in-depth examination of the ways in which the U.S. Vietnam War impacts and disrupts the lives of people in a small industrial town in Pennsylvania /

Creator -

Quinn K. Redeker / John Cazale

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You must see this film it is the best ever! Robert De Niro is fantastic as is Christopher Walken, John Savage and Meryl Streep! The storyline is fantastic and will keep you engrossed. It is definetly one of the best movies ever and is definetly better than 'Apocalypse Now. 10/10.

Well I love this this scene always pop into my head when I hear this ristopher Walken is this songs scene, but I agree that noone touch De Niro in this film. But both are always a reason to look at a film even if you dont know if it's good or not. Real actors can make any movie interesting. and this was probaly one of the best movies a top 20 chart anyway.

Why did it stop.

Comment. George Jones and Tammy Wynette Stanley Myers and John Williams Add scene description +5 Kenneth Kovach Add scene description +5 Stanley Myers Add scene description +5 Kenneth Kovach Add scene description +5 Stanley Myers Add scene description +5 Waylon Jennings Add scene description +5 Stanley Myers Add scene description +5 Kenneth Kovach Add scene description +5 Frankie Valli Add scene description +5 Frederic Chopin Add scene description +5 Los Lobos Add scene description +5 Drop-Kick Me, Jesus (Through the Goalposts of Life) • Paul Craft Paul Craft Add scene description +5 Gladys Knight and The Pips Add scene description +5 Agh! No one has posted yet. Would you like to be the first?

In the end, it does not matter that you disagreed with the Vietnam War and America's involvement. This film is about the American men who went to Vietnam leaving in their relatives and friends behind to wonder what was happening over there. They went over there to serve their country because it asked them too or ordered them to go. Whatever the reason, the movie is full of fabulous performances by Meryl Streep, John Cazale, Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, George Dzundza, and John Savage. I think the cast is well-ensembled and brilliantly acted. The small town in Pennsylvania is quite important to know the significant impact that the war had on small towns in America. Everybody was affected by their absence. Not knowing their fates is often worse than knowing it. After the war, three of the men must face their lives back home. They are never the same again. The game of Russian Roulette is used effectively and frighteningly. We must remember that the Vietnam vets suffer enormously from being taken hostage by Vietcong. It does not matter but they suffer psychologically. Walken definitely deserved his Oscar. I just keep thinking about John Cazale in his last performance. He is dying of bone cancer in reality and dies after filming is over. The Deer Hunter is truly a powerful theme. The deer is a representation of humanity. Humans hunting and killing in the jungles of Vietnam is not much different than hunting and killing harmless deer in the mountains.

18. 9K Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Sign in Like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. Don't like this video? Published on Jul 6, 2009 Trailer for Michael Cimino's film starring Robert De Niro, John Cazale, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep, John Savage, George Dzundza, Chuck Aspegren, Joe Grifasi, Rutanya Alda, Mary Ann Haenel, Mady Kaplan, Richard Kuss, Pierre Segui, Shirley Stoler, Amy Wright.

I love this movie need I say more it's just great

Rented so many times I had to buy it, cool interesting movie. Smoke some weed and drink you a 12 pk, enjoy... On Dec. 8, 1978, Universal released the 183-minute Vietnam war drama The Deer Hunter. The Michael Cimino film went on to win five Oscars at the 51st Academy Awards, including best picture. The Hollywood Reporter's original review is below. No point in beating around the bush. For me, The Deer Hunter is the great American film of 1978. I realize that we still have a few major releases yet to come, like Superman, but I can't imagine anything more timely, more important, more uncompromising than this Universal-EMI production. It reaffirms that Robert De Niro is one of the finest actors of our day, and it catapults Michael Cimino into the front ranks of our best young directors — especially since Cimino receives credit not only for directing, but for story (with Deric Washburn, Louis Garfinkle and Quinn K. Redeker) and for production as well (with Barry Spikings, Michael Deeley and John Peverall). With such a spread, one might anticipate a dilution, a watering down of the point of view. I didn't find that the case at all, and would prefer to think that all the contributive talents merely enhanced and strengthened what Cimino had in mind from the start. For until Francis Coppola comes along to refute us with his long-awaited Apocalypse Now, this has to be the definitive story of our disastrous involvement in the Vietnam war. It isn't bitter — the survivors end up singing "God Bless America, " and they mean it. But it makes all of us reflect upon the price we paid for a war that few of us wanted. Certainly, the young men in this film — De Niro, John Savage and Christopher Walken — weren't eager to go. They were no "Hell, no, we won't go" demonstrators, but they were quite satisfied with their lives in a small Western Pennsylvania steel town — content with their jobs, their girls and an occasional weekend off for deer hunting. When their time came to enter the service, they went quietly. In fact, the script catapults them directly into combat from the noisy aftermath of Savage's Russian Orthodox wedding to Rutanya Alda. It's a very carefully balanced script. (At 183 minutes, it had better be. ) As written by Washburn, it divides itself into three almost equal parts: life at home, the war experiences and the homecoming. In the first hour, we meet our three protagonists and their pals — steel mill workers who work hard, drink hard and give their girls a hard time. Cimino is in no rush. You get to know them and to like them. Even the wedding sequence, although unduly prolonged, brings us closer to the men who will soon be combat soldiers. It is typical of Cimino's technique that he cuts directly from the post-wedding high jinks to men leaping from a helicopter in Vietnam. No nonsense with induction centers or rookie training: All of a sudden, the men are there. And just as suddenly, they are surrounded and taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese forces. In the film's most harrowing sequence, they are caged in rat-infested cells and forced to undergo an obscene form of Russian roulette by their captors. All three survive and make their way back to Saigon; but Walken, the youngest and most vulnerable, has come unhinged in the process. He stays on in Saigon, drugged and still playing the deadly game for survival. The final third of The Deer Hunter centers on De Niro, the leader and the only one of the trio who has come through relatively intact (although he has lost his taste for deer hunting). He manages to cozen Savage, now an amputee, out of the V. A. hospital and back to the almost catatonic wife who is waiting for him. Then De Niro returns to Saigon, on the eve of the American departure, to liberate Walken. It's the film's one descent into melodrama — De Niro playing Russian roulette to reclaim his drug-rotted friend. It all works out, but just a shade too neatly. This is really a small quibble in a film that I admire greatly. It has much to tell us about a war that produced no heroes, even though individual actions may have been heroic. It has more to tell about a generation that went into that war trusting the rightness of our being there, and the disilusion that followed. But beyond that, unless I am very much mistaken, it is the affirmation of an ultimate belief in this country. These young men have ventured beyond our borders and witnessed at first hand the savagery and corruption that rule there. Their "God Bless America" is fervent and heartfelt. If we find it ironic, we'd better goddamned well be able to spell out why. As director (and part-writer, part-producer) of this movie, Cimino has done an incredible job. There is a unity of vision here that not only balances the script, but the performances and the look of this film as well. It makes De Niro a shoo-in for an Academy nomination (and also Walken for a Best Supporting), Vilmos Zsigmond for the gritty feel of a steel town and the sweat of a sun-drenched jungle and Stanley Myers for a score that effortlessly switches from the ethnic to the dramatic. To my mind, The Deer Hunter is a major achievement in American movies. And I fervently hope that the American public won't vote me wrong. — Arthur Knight, originally published on Dec. 1, 1978.

It's indeed a beautiful and touching movie, i'm regularly bursting into tears when he doesn't shoot at the deer. OKAY ? it's telling more than thousand words.


This movie messed me up for a while, incredibly tragic and authentic. The legends who acted earned their names. Very though life, but they had true friends. A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this movie. It's not true that if you enjoy hunting, war will be fun. Some trauma is so terrible it's impossible to recover from it. "There is no such thing as a sure thing. " Positive Role Models & Representations Mike is a no-nonsense pragmatist who believes there's a right way and a wrong way. He's unfailingly loyal and will never let a friend down. He seems to be able to overcome his fears when lives are at stake. He's possessed by an unshakable determination to save wounded friends. War profiteers exploit an atmosphere of amorality that comes when war breaks down social structures. Mike, Nik, and Steve are captured by the Vietcong and imprisoned in cages filled with water up to their legs. Some prisoners are kept in cages where the water is up to the men's noses and rats are swimming around them. They are forced to play Russian Roulette, where one bullet is placed in a revolver's chamber and terrified victims are forced to put the gun to their heads and pull the trigger. Some survive and some shoot themselves, with the attendant blood seen. Vietcong soldiers bet on this game and beat those who delay pulling the trigger. Wounded and dead soldiers are seen, some with blood on them. A drunk driver recklessly and deliberately passes a large truck on the right. Linda is beaten by her father. A man puts his hands on a woman's behind as they slow dance. A jealous boyfriend tears them apart and punches his girlfriend. Mike has a bloody wound over his eye. A broken bone is seen sticking out though a man's leg. A man loses his legs and the use of an arm. A Vietcong soldier tosses a grenade into a bunker where women and children are hiding, presumably killing them all. In combat a man is set on fire and screams. Nik loses much of his memory and his mental stability and is easily recruited by a devilish war profiteer. As he becomes a professional Russian Roulette player, he abandons his previous life -- friends and love -- to enter a living hell. Men are shown showering from behind. A woman in a robe and bra is in bed with a bare-chested man. They embrace in the dark. A bride is pregnant. A couple makes out in a coat room. While drunk, Mike tries to put the moves on Nik's girlfriend, leaning in to kiss her, but withdrawing out of loyalty. Drunken Mike strips all his clothes and runs from his friends. Full nudity is seen from far and in the dark. In a Saigon red light district, girls dance in bikinis at a bar. Prostitutes solicit men in bars. One takes Nik upstairs to a room, but her small child is there and Nik leaves. A woman invites a man to bed so they can "comfort" each other. "F--k, " "motherf--er, " "s--t, " "a--hole, " "bitch, " "goddamn, " "bastard, " "hell, " "faggot, " "p---y, " "piss. " Pennsylvania's Rolling Rock beer is touted. Drinking, Drugs & Smoking Adults smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, sometimes to excess. Men drive while drinking. Men drink in the morning. Track marks are seen on the arm of a presumed heroin addict. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. Subscribe User Reviews Teen, 16 years old Written by hayal12 April 18, 2017 What's the story? THE DEER HUNTER achieved iconic status for its ambitious portrayal of the brutality of war and the broken friends who survive it. Three Russian-American friends ( Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and John Savage) leave their steel mill jobs to enlist in the army. The weekend before they leave they go deer hunting and one gets married to his pregnant girlfriend in an elaborate wedding, followed by a long drunken party. In war, all three are wounded, one in battle and others during an escape from their captors. One heroically saves them all, only to later learn that in some sense his two friends were beyond saving because of the trauma they experienced during the war. Is it any good? This movie is both breathtakingly moving and at times a disappointingly self-indulgent and over-ambitious work of cinematic art. It undeniably contains sequences of brilliance, but it also falters and meanders, crying out for a far more ruthless editor. Long deer hunting scenes -- reverent shots of misted mountains and drunk men with guns set against a score of glum hymns -- feel like so much hokey romanticization of hunting and the implied manliness that goes with it. A noble deer goes down (no blood seen) but you can't help wondering are we meant to understand that the men who survive the horrors of war never shoot defenseless animals again? Or do the scenes suggest that if you enjoy hunting, war will be fun? Or do they just set a violent foundation for men heading to war who will themselves be hunted one day? Equally puzzling, why does the camera linger inexplicably on John Cazale, playing a bit of a fool, as he admires his reflection in a car window? What does this add to the story? Much of The Deer Hunter feels like two supporting devices designed to hold up the weighty and brilliant middle. The story is symphonic, told in three movements, marking time through human experience, from high hopes to grim reality. The progression starts with optimism -- a wedding, quitting of jobs, the promise of adventure in the army. Then war rips naivete away leaving frayed threads. A funeral fittingly brings the action to a close. Cimino, who went over budget and over schedule, would later bring down an entire studio with his next over-budget project, Heaven's Gate. It's his tendency to place moments of cinematic brilliance side by side with well-observed nonessentials that make his films gravely compelling but simultaneously maddening. We tend to forgive all this and ride along with The Deer Hunter and its magnificent emotionalism owing to great performances by a riveting cast. De Niro, Walken, Savage, and Meryl Streep are grippingly watchable at every moment, no matter how questionable the plot point or sketchy the dialogue. Even when the movie is least believable, as when Nik takes a ride with the devil into the underworld that will swallow his life, Walken's immersion in Nik sweeps us into the fiction. The Vietnam sequences are rendered with a rare intensity and artistry -- not a moment of screen time is wasted. As the soldiers suffer agonies, a viewer will find it difficult to forget that the protagonists all went to fight in Vietnam voluntarily. Every horror they experience is tinged with this understanding, underscoring the way that mindless acceptance, no matter how well intended, can sometimes be mistaken for patriotism. Nowhere does the film suggest that even a single character wonders if the war that changed so many lives forever may have been unnecessary or unjustified. When mourning friends sing "God Bless America, " the irony is unmistakable. Talk to your kids about... Families can talk about how movies like The Deer Hunter use violence to help tell the story. Is this movie in favor of killing deer? Is it in favor of war? How do you know? How do the extremely long and detailed scenes of steel-working, deer hunting, and a wedding reception set up scenes of war? What do you learn about the men's relationships in the early scenes that give meaning to the war scenes? Do you think that being exposed to violence in movies makes people less sensitive to violence in their lives? Do you think seeing violence on the screen can have other kinds of negative effects on viewers? Our editors recommend Top war movie is intensely violent, full of strong language. Extremely graphic, violent Vietnam War film. Fine movie for families with older kids. Epic of WWII honor and sacrifice gone haywire. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. See how we rate.

Most boring overrated movie I had to sit through. that's my analysis. Best movie to ever be f* ing made loved it It had all the emotions and the meaning if you look beyond it was amazing Im glade I watched it.






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